An Agreement for the execution of the design and search works (№1461 / 31-19) was concluded between KP Kievteploenergo and NPP Energoreshenie LLC in 26.06. 2019. The works were carried out from 01.08.2019 to 20.12.2019 Execution of design and exploration works and passing expert examinations for the object: Reconstruction of the electrical part of ST-1 (code DK 021: 2015 – DK 021: 2015: 45312000-7 Installation of alarm systems and antennas).

The design and estimate documentation was completed in accordance with the Design Assignment with high quality, on time and in accordance with the requirements of state building codes, rules and other applicable regulatory documents.



NPP Energoreshenie LLC rendered services for the repair of transformers of the TRDN-25000 / 110-79U1 T-1, T-2 type at the Almaz substation in accordance with the terms of the Agreement No. 19-81-301 dated 20.09.2019. “Services for the repair of transformers T-1, T-2 at SS” Almaz “(hereinafter referred to as services) in volumes and in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the repair of transformers T-1, T-2 at SS” Almaz “. The start and end date of the work performed is from 09/25/2019 to 12/18/2019.

During the cooperation, NPP Energoreshenie LLC has established itself as a reliable and conscientious partner.

The specialists of NPP Energoreshenie, LLC, during the repair of transformers T-1, T-2 at the Almaz substation, showed high professionalism of both engineering and technical personnel and qualified workers.



У 2016 році компанією ТОВ НВП Енергорішення були виполненистроітельно-монтажні та пусконалагоджувальні праці з постачанням імпортного обладнання, згідно з Угодою «Заміна повітряних вимикачів типу BB-3308-2000-31,5 приєднань 3B-330, 4B-330 на елегазові вимикачі на ПС-330 кВ «Арциз» (інв. №20640»)

B процесі нашої співпраці ми переконалися в надійної ділової репутації ТОВ НВП «Енергорішення», здатної виконувати завдання в короткі терміни і з відмінною якістю.

До основних переваг ТОВ НВП Енергорішення можна віднести своєчасне і якісне виконання робіт, укомплектованість висококваліфікованим персоналом, оперативність в роботі і відповідальність за взяті на себе зобов’язання.

Відзначаємо прагнення компанії до постійного розвитку і вдосконалення, готовність знаходити оптимальні рішення найскладніших проблем.

У нас склалося позитивне враження про ТОВ Енергорішення, як про компанію, яка завжди виявляла конструктивний підхід до Замовника.

Ми з повною впевненістю рекомендуємо ТОВ Енергорішення в якості надійного партнера в сфері енергетики.



The company NPP ENERGORESHENNIE LLC performed work on the current repair of the autotransformer in accordance with Contract No. 517E-2018 dated 09/14/2018 The start and end date of the work performed until 26.10.2018 to 28.12.2018 “Replacement of 0.4 kV 41 С – 42 С switchboards and auxiliary transformers ВРУ 110/330 for branches of Kanevskaya HPP “PrAT” Ukrhydroenerro “. In the npouec of our cooperation, we were convinced of a reliable business strategy LLC “NPP” ENERGORESHENNIE “is able to perform tasks in a short time and qualitatively.

The most important advantages of LLC “NPP” ENERGORESHENNIE “include timely and high-quality performance of work, staffing highly qualified personnel, efficiency in work and responsibility for the commitments.

We with full confidence recommend LLC “NPP” ENERGORESHENNE “in as a reliable partner in the energy sector.

We note the company’s striving for continuous development and improvement, willingness to find the optimal solution to complex problems.



The company “Energoresheniya” performed work for reconstruction and modernization of differential protection of busbar systems and 110 kV PRVV for SS-220 kV “Stryi” SE “NEC” UKRENERGO “.

The full scope of the planned work at SS -220 Kv “Stryi” was carried out in stages, and namely: supply of equipment, dismantling, installation and commissioning according to project “Reconstruction and modernization of differential protection of busbar systems and PRVV 110 Kv at substation-220 kV “Stryi”.

In the course of the work, the specialists of the Energoresheniya company demonstrated their professionalism and high level of training, which made it possible to perform the work timely and with high quality.

All works by Energoresheniya have been completed in full, in accordance with terms of reference, with the provision of technical documentation, within the time frame specified in Agreement.



The company LLC “NPP” ENERGORESHENIE “gave a complex services: “Inspection, testing and expert examination” of technical diagnostics “of power transformers, as well as testing of these power transformers for a special program, analysis of furan compounds and chromatographic analysis of gases”.

The above services were provided of the appropriate quality and in compliance all rules and regulations. The team of NPP ENERGORESHENIE LLC has established itself as a reliable a performer who clearly and efficiently performs the assigned work.



The company LLC “NPP” Energoreshenie” has performed work according to the contract “Works on the technical re-equipment of the relay protection device and automation and their secondary circuits for the generator, block transformer and working transformer for auxiliary needs of power unit st. No. 3 of DTEK Zaporozhye TPP”.

From the survey to the qualifications of the employees of NPP Energoreshenie LLC has established itself as a reliable operation.

The works were completed on time and with high quality, in accordance with the requirements of those standards.